Hulk vs She-Hulk
In the first episode of She-Hulk, we get to a light battle between the gamma radiated beings.
Bruce Banner is training her cousin Jennifer Walters who recently turned green. Banner is doing this so that Walters doesn’t cause collateral damage in critical situations.
Jennifer Walters doesn’t want to do this at first. But once Banners shows her how to use her powers, she’s clearly nailing at it. She learns quickly and is ready to leave.
That’s when they have the difference of opinion and start fighting. Both of them really are pulling their punches at first, wanting the other person to give up.
But they both have gamma radiation running in their blood and won’t go down without a fight.
Banner clearly has better moves as he’s experienced but her cousin still manages to put him down.Both even let roars referencing that deep down they’re monsters.

Finally, Banner tackles down Walters and both of then roll down and destroy the bar which Stark and Banner built. That’s when both of then realize that fighting with each other is a waste of time and energy.
It’s clear from this fight, that
- She- Hulk maybe the lighter version of Hulk but she’s almost as strong as him
- Being lighter gives her the advantage to go into stealth mode if she decides to follow anyone
- As she’s more flexible, she could develop a fighting style which involves quick punches taking the enemy down by surprise